Monday, May 3, 2010

Moldy Bagels: Episode 5 (Part Three)

Fun facts:

1. My celebrity impersonations are notoriously terrible, but I still enjoy the bit with Daniel Day-Lewis and Michael Caine.

2. I said "Fist Punches" when I clearly meant to say "Face Punches." Much like the Chris Henry debacle from an earlier episode, I am way too lazy to actually correct my mistakes with reshoots. Fuck that shit, this is public access. Let Martin Scorsese do reshoots when necessary. When I'm paid zero dollars, the show airs exclusively in one Northern Kentucky county, and the Youtube uploads all register well under 20 views, all you're getting is some white text, and that's final.

3. This episode still sucks.

4. I was home alone when I shot the mailbag segments, so I didn't have anyone to punch me in the face. I taped a glove around the end of an umbrella and shoved the umbrella into my own face with my off-camera arm. There was a soft glove at the end of the umbrella, but the tip was still metal. It required a lot of takes to get right, and my jaw hurt like hell for a few days afterwards.

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