Thursday, February 11, 2010

Moldy Bagels: Episode 2 (Part Two)

Hell yeah, bitch. If you've seen my cartoons you've already seen the first sketch in this segment so feel free to skip that one. I like the Movie Forgetter sketch in the middle because it's a fun idea, and I get a chance to rock out my two favorite accessories: my badass White Sox shirt and my pink Razor phone. It's pink because it used to belong to my sister and she gave it to me when my old phone stopped working. People keep telling me that my phone is gay and I need to either buy a new one or buy a new skin, and I say two things to that: Number one, the phone is metallic pink, which is badass. If it was hot pink you'd have a point, but metallic pink rules and is totally not gay. Number two, I firmly believe that being so fashion conscious that you'd spend money to change the color of your fucking phone is way more girly and gay than owning a pink hand-me-down.

When I filmed the Movie Forgetter sketch I was sure the cops were going to come to my house. During the part that I was wearing a hockey mask covered in fake blood while waving around a prop gun, one of my neighbors saw me through the glass kitchen door and just stared at me. I stared back at him, then put the gun down on the counter and waved at him. He backed away with kind of a scared look in his eye. In a stroke of incredible luck, the cops never showed up. I'd be able to easily explain the mask and gun, but the rape slaves in the basement would be a whole 'nother story.

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