Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Crapstick Doodle: Episode 5

In a not too surprising development, I managed to find a way to incorporate the old footage of me getting hit in the face with a dildo into these cartoons. In this case they're presented as scenes from some sort of imaginary lowbrow public funded TV show. I think this episode is pretty good, as the characters are starting to be defined somewhat, the way live-action footage is included with the cartoon shows that I put a slight bit of work into the editing, and the writing is alright.

When I post these on my blog I find that I have a way harder time talking about them than I did with the live-action Ron Mexico sketches. I always seemed to have a story with the live-action sketches because shooting involved actually going out to a location with friends, having fun, coming up with ideas on the spot, and solving problems that come up. With these videos, the process is always the exact same: I write a script, I record the voices into a headset microphone, I draw a bunch of pictures on MS Paint, and I spend about 45 minutes turning the pictures into a slideshow set to the audio file.

There really isn't anything compelling going on here on any level. So far the most difficult problem I've had is shifting the voices enough so that they still all sound different without sounding too fucked up to understand. Also, sometimes I have sort of a hard time picking a song for the title screens at the beginning. This time I picked a goofy clip from a Jurassic 5 song. So yeah, it looks like I've got nothing. Sorry!

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