Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Crapstick Doodle Episode 6

I think this is visually one of the better episodes. I also think the choice of music is done very well. Setting the titles to "Still Alive" from the video game Portal, and prominently using the Forrest Gump theme song were inspired. Despite that, I don't think I particularly like this episode. 

Obviously the joke here is that the mysterious character is presented as some sort of inspiring and helpful Forrest Gump or Bagger Vance type character, only to find out that he's actually just a crazy rapist. I think my problem with this episode is that the joke relies on starting out as a pitch-perfect recreation of a sappy Hollywood emotional scene between two strangers. That's effectively ruined by the fact that the scene is (poorly) acted out by a couple of primitive-looking Microsoft Paint characters. The animation quality and nature of the video is too silly to begin with, and I think that undermines the joke. 

However, one notable aspect of this video is that it's the first and so far only one that doesn't feature the Corey character. Corey is very close to my real first name, and that character's voice is my normal speaking voice. He's the only character where I don't put on some sort of wacky accent or digitally shift the pitch. In short, that character is  obviously a surrogate for me. I think making a cartoon without Corey displays a certain degree of personal growth since this might be the first time in my life that I've ever recognized that there is a world outside of myself. 

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