Sunday, April 5, 2009

Greatest Youtube comments

I'm sure you already know about this video, the comedy sketch that completely humiliates me from my spelling bee days. Well, I finally found the original Youtube video from the guys who actually made it. At the time that I write this, 97,189 people have laughed hysterically at what a fucking dork I was ten years ago. I wanted to take this opportunity to share with you some of the best comments from the always brilliant and insightful Youtube community:

"omg.. the third kid looks soo stupid.."

"How could the mother of the white boy be proud of him because he wiped semen off the microphone? That's fuckin' weird."

"hahaha nice hair"

"that's not funny,,its sickening telling a boy to suck your d..."

"The third contestant needs a new hair stylist. He's probably a target for teasing at school"

"this is probably one of the funniest shit ive seen on youtube
"i beg your pardon, um can you please whipe my jizz off the microphone" *fat kid starts to pick at microphone* hahahahaha"

"he should have told the third kid the definition was get a fucking haircut little bitch"

"LOLOLOL when i saw the fast boy i knew something hilareous was coming"

"Funniest thing ever, and his mom is proud for wipin off da JIZZ.

Thank god I can finally cross "Get ridiculed by tens of thousands of mentally retarded middle schoolers" off my list of things to do before I die. Better yet, I just found out that this video was featured on G4's Attack of the Show. I'm gonna go kill myself now.

1 comment:

bathmate said...

Happy new year.
nice link. I like it so much. this link is very useful to every body. very nice posting
